Our Safety Policy
The safety of our employees is of vital concern to our management. It is our intent to conduct our operations in a safe manner for the protection of our employees and of the general public. Each employee shall be assured of a safe and healthful working environment.
It is, therefore, our policy to follow operating practices and procedures that will result in safe and efficient operations. We intend to comply with the provisions and standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and all other applicable safety regulations.
Our supervisors and foremen are key persons in our safety effort; they are charged with conducting a safe and efficient operation at all times. Safety is an operating leadership responsibility. Every individual who supervises, directs or controls the work or actions of others is responsible for the safety of each person under his supervision, direction or control. In addition, supervisors and foremen are responsible for the safety of equipment and property within the work area.
Each employee has a responsibility to himself for his own safety and health and that of others with whom he comes in contact. In carrying out his assigned work, each employee must observe all safety and health standards of the trade and the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Our safety requirements will be strictly enforced.
Be alert for hazards around you. The life you save may be your own.